Mad About Mushrooms

The French truly are. Mad about mushrooms, that is. Everywhere you go, cars are abandoned at the side of the road in wooded areas, while the drivers go off and poke through the woods with sticks looking for gold in the forest. Cepes, chanterelles, and dozens of other kinds, are in the markets and people are talking of little else. Where to find them, how to cook them. What a bountiful year! Even mothers show up in the schoolyard with mushrooms in hand, plucked along the route on the morning walk to school. For the inexperienced, the pharmacy will happily sort through a clutch of wild mushrooms, tossing out the poisonous ones and saving the mushroom-hunter from a night of stomach pain. Our own collectors were unable to stop themselves from tearing apart their fungi in the name of scientific exploration, and saved us a trip to the pharmacy. Posted by Picasa


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